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Developer guide

...record creation time. Used in conjunction with invitationSentEndDate. invitationSentEndDate Body String A date/time specified in UDT that serves as the end time of the search criteria. Invitation records whose SentDate is on or before this time will satisfy the search criteria. An invitation...

Data as a Service

... Product types Relationships to offers Invitations Campaigns and promotions Banker and agent association Account data Obtain lifecycle and status metrics on Alliance accounts, banker performance and incentive tracking with data from the Account Metric Service. Gain insights into funnel...

Tags: metrics, KPIs , reporting, offers, invitations, applications, accounts

Invitation to Apply

...for offers. Retrieve details about existing invitations. Workflow Example use case Request offers A sales agent for an organization that uses the U.S. Bank Alliance Partner program is talking to a customer about a banking product. Using the company’s customer service system, the agent...

Tags: offers , invitation to apply